Thursday, December 30, 2010


There is this wonderful way to recognize the kids at school for good behavior. It is called the Golden Book. The teacher writes about their good behavior, and then they get to be on the closed circuit TV at school. William got one last year, as well. So here we were, again, with many of the same kids!
Every morning these kids get to help say the pledge of allegiance, say what the lunch menu is, and acknowledge awards.
We are friends with quite a few of these folks in this room. We noticed that Japanese school kids do really well (behave) in American school. So, it was no surprise that there were all these yochien parents that we knew in the room with us! Tim got to come to this one!
This one was blurry, but Wm got to be on TV.
Here he is, in the background of the Pledge...
...and then speaking clearly his name and which first grade room (teacher) he's from.
At the office, the assistant principal reads what the teacher has written about their behavior.
Then, they get to sign 'The Golden book.'
If you double-click, you can read the reason for his selection! We are so proud!

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