Thursday, December 30, 2010

Park Playpals

When I take William to parks, he loves to have someone to play with. Thankfully, Stefan and Dougie are always near. Dougie kept asking at this park how long until we left, and I kept telling him '10 minutes.' He finally woke up to what I was doing. :)
This is Dougie at the 'zip-line park.' He's at the top of the rope climbing structure.
Proof that his mom probably shouldn't allow me to watch her kids. I did get nervous when he got distracted up there, so I had him come down. They're good kids who mind, so it's not a problem to have them along.
Of course, William and Stefan can't let the challenge go, and also climb it.
I am having to watch out for this fine rock that they use on parks here. It is grinding up the inside of my dryer. Little bits of it come home with William. But, playing is fun!

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